
The only thing they fear is you, demonslayer!

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This is the only mature game I'm gonna talk about but its kinda a gaming staple at this point so I can't not talk about it! You take the role of the Doomslayer, the bulkiest and scariest murder machine possible. Your target: preventing Hell from taking over the earth with the best and craziest guns in your arsenal to rip and tear through the worst of hell. The most recent games of Doom (Doom 2016 & Doom Etrernal) have made a large focus on not only exploration/experimentation but swift movements and battles. It's a very gory, but very cool game that makes you feel like a demon slayer. I'm not aware of too many extra things that HAVE to be bought, but im sure they're there for cosmetics.
Here's a link to a the fan made Wiki
and a link to the official site for the Latest game Doom Eternal

More about the game!

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    Games I'm gonna Talk about

  1. Stardew Valley
  2. Super Smash Bros
  3. Doom
  4. Slime Rancher
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